Sunday, June 17, 2007

To BASA from Australia, with Love

Students from Our Lady of the Pines Primary School in Australia
put together boxes of supplies for the children of Karangalan library!

Notebooks, padpapers, clipboards, sharpeners, markers ballpens, pentel pens, crayons, color pencils, children’s storybooks, pencil cases, were neatly packed in 3 boxes shipped to the Philippines kindness of Gilda Guillermo last December 2006. The 3rd ballikbayan box arrived in Philippines in mid-January 2007, shipment fee of which was paid for by Don Bosco Australia through Thor Brizuela. Inside were more children’s books, school supplies and clothes donated by the families of de Guzmans, Abellas, Parels and Chambers; lunch boxes were courtesy of the Harbinsons through Ollie.

Very special thanks go out to
Principal Judy Abbott, Theresa Platt and teachers Karen Craven, Frank Piccione and Guilla Costa! A million thanks to Meg Belmonte, who has been instrumental in coordinating efforts in Australia to keep the help efforts to help BASA from their side of the world sustainable.

Meg, a parent in Our Lady of the Pines heard about BASA via email, and got in touch with the Manila-based volunteers and offered to help by coordinating with friends in the Philippines to regularly donate supplies and juice to the children of Karangalan library, as well as her daughter's class who generously gave of their time and resources to put together these donations. It is so exciting to hear about how people who never meet face to face can come together in such a special way for a special cause! I hope to meet you someday, Meg!

To read more about the project and view more pictures, come and visit Enzo's blog.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit
of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children
of one's youth.
-Psalm 127:3-4

To find out how you can help BASA, please contact:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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